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IZA World of Labor panel discussion on health and the labor markets

Classification Behavioral and personnel economics

IZA World of Labor panel discussion on health and the labor markets with Carol Graham from Brookings Institution in Washington DC, Chris Ruhm from University of Virginia and N. Meltem Daysal from the University of Copenhagen

Questions to all participants include:

- Does how happy we are affect how we do in the labor market? Do we work more efficiently, work more? In other words, what is the interaction of feelings and work?
- It is fair to say you are the “go-to person” on the effects of recession on health. What do we know on this? Is the effect on mortality, on overall health, or both? Or is it just an effect on feelings about health?
- We’ve talked about health generally. But how much does mental health matter, both for kids and even more important for adults in the labor market?
- Beyond the relationship of health to worker effort and employment, are there other effects of health that we can observe in the labor market?
- “If you have your health, you have everything,” is an old line that one still hears. Is it correct?

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