Angela Daley

University of Maine, USA

World of Labor provides timely information about labor issues, in a way that is accessible to people regardless of their background and expertise. I am pleased to be part of an initiative that supports evidence-based labor policy

IZA World of Labor role


Current position

Associate Professor, School of Economics, University of Maine, USA

Research interest

Applied microeconomics, labor economics, health economics, policy


PhD Economics, Dalhousie University, Canada, 2016

Selected publications

  • "The effects of recent minimum wage increases on self-reported health in the United States." Social Science and Medicine 305 (2022): 115110 (with L. Sigaud, J. Rubin, and C. Noblet).

  • "A breath of fresh air: The effect of public smoking bans on Indigenous youth." Health Economics 30:6 (2021): 1517–1539 (with M. Rahman and B. Watson).

  • "Blown off-course? Weight gain among the economically insecure during the great recession." Journal of Economic Psychology 80 (2020): 102289 (with B. Watson, N. Rohde, and L. Osberg).

  • "Literacy, numeracy, technology skill, and labour market outcomes among Indigenous peoples in Canada." Canadian Public Policy 45:1 (2019): 48–73 (with M. Hu and C. Warman).

  • "Rural-urban differences in the decline of adolescent cigarette smoking." American Journal of Public Health 109:5 (2019): 771–773 (with E. C. Ziller, J. D. Lenardson, N. C. Paluso, and J. A. Talbot).