For contributors

Why contribute?

Collaboration with the IZA World of Labor gives you an opportunity to make your expertise accessible to a global non-academic audience in a cutting-edge format. Contributors can increase the availability and broaden the dissemination of highly relevant, peer-reviewed knowledge to decision-makers.

Information on each article is made available to indexing and abstracting services, such as RePEc, EconLit, and Google Scholar.

We do not charge authors to publish articles on IZA World of Labor.

IZA World of Labor content is regularly cited by key media outlets and policy-making organizations.

How to contribute

If you would like to find out more about contributing, or to suggest a topic, please contact the IZA World of Labor Office.

To submit a proposal, please do so via Manuscript Manager.

Your proposal should come with a short abstract (three to five sentences long, no figures or tables) that outlines the content of the one-pager for your future contribution:

  • elevator pitch—why is the topic important for our audience
  • main pros and cons
  • your main message

Please select a potential subject area for your contribution when you submit a proposal. If you face any technical difficulties, please contact the IZA World of Labor Office.


Guidelines for authors and reviewers

IZA World of Labor articles go through a quality control system of peer review before publication. The right to perform plagiarism checks on submitted articles is reserved. It is also understood that the articles are not original research but are based on the best academic findings. Authors may use their previous work or joint work with others verbatim as long as an article makes sources and practices transparent, and does not infringe copyrights.

If you would like to find more specific information about the project, either as an author or a reviewer, please click the links below.

Author guidelines
Reviewer guidelines
Style sheet
Topic list

General information for contributors

In order to uphold its high standards of excellent research, and to provide a healthy and open work environment, IZA has set out its code of conduct. Information on our policy on conflicts of interest can be found by following the link below. In addition, IZA World of Labor recognizes the importance of proper citation of data and follows the data citation convention also provided below.

FAQ on conflicts of interests
IZA World of Labor data citation convention