Wageningen University, the Netherlands, IZA, Germany
IZA World of Labor role
Current position
Assistant Professor (Tenure Track), Wageningen University, the Netherlands
Research interest
Labor markets in developing countries, inequality, gender, international trade
Past positions
Research Associate, IZA, Germany
PhD Economics, University of Groningen, 2011
Selected publications
“What explains the stagnation of female labor force participation in urban India?” World Bank Economic Review, forthcoming (with S. Klasen).
“Formal sector subcontracting and informal sector employment in Indian manufacturing.” IZA Journal of Labor and Development, forthcoming (with A. Moreno-Monroy and A. Erumban).
“Education and household inequality change: A decomposition analysis for India.” Journal of Development Studies 47:12 (2011): 1909–1924.
Trade liberalization and gender inequality Updated
Can free-trade policies help to reduce gender inequalities in employment and wages?
Janneke Pieters, October 2018Women consistently work less in the labor market and earn lower wages than men. While economic empowerment of women is an important objective in itself, women's economic activity also matters as a condition for sustained economic growth. The political debate on the labor market impacts of international trade typically differentiates workers by their educational attainment or skills. Gender is a further dimension in which the impacts of trade liberalization can differ. In a globalizing world it is important to understand whether and how trade policy can contribute toward enhancing gender convergence in labor market outcomes.MoreLess