Cleveland State University, USA
IZA World of Labor role
Current position
Associate Professor, Cleveland State University, USA
Research interest
Labor economics, international economics, development economics
Past positions
Assistant Professor, Cleveland State University, USA (September 2004–July 2010)
PhD Economics, The Ohio State University, 2004
Selected publications
“High school clubs participation and future supervisory status.” British Journal of Industrial Relations (Forthcoming).
“Job satisfaction and promotions.” Industrial Relations 50 (2011): 174–194.
“Employment disruptions and supervisors.” Industrial Relations 49 (2010): 116–141.
“The impact of job displacement on employer based health insurance coverage.” Journal of Labor Research 30 (2009): 317–327 (with F. Renna).
“Job level changes and wage growth.” International Journal of Manpower 30 (2009): 269–284.
Youth extracurricular activities and the importance of social skills for supervisors
Social skills developed during extracurricular activities in adolescence can be highly valuable in managerial occupations
Vasilios D. Kosteas, March 2022Youth participation in extracurricular activities is associated with a variety of benefits, ranging from higher concurrent academic performance to better labor market outcomes. In particular, these activities provide avenues through which youth can develop the interpersonal and leadership skills that are crucial to succeed as a manager. A lack of opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities for many youths, particularly those from lower-income backgrounds, may have negative consequences for developing the next generation of managers and business leaders.MoreLess