Ulf Rinne

IZA, Germany

The IZA World of Labor could be the ultimate resource for informed debates and evidence-based policy decisions, eventually resulting in better outcomes. It is a gift for society

IZA World of Labor role

Author, Topic spokesperson

Current position

Senior Researcher, IZA, Germany

Research interest

Evaluation of labor market policies, migration, education, discrimination

Positions/functions as a policy advisor

International Labour Organization; International Organization for Migration; Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency; Federal Ministry of Finance; Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, United Nations Development Program; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit; Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)


PhD Economics, Free University of Berlin, 2009

Selected publications

  • “Another economic miracle? The German labor market and the Great Recession.” IZA Journal of Labor Policy 1:3 (2012): 1-21 (with K. F. Zimmermann).

  • “Short-time work: The German answer to the Great Recession.” International Labour Review 152:2 (2013): 287-305 (with K. Brenke and K. F. Zimmermann).

  • “Is Germany the North Star of labor market policy?” IMF Economic Review 61:4 (2013), 702-729 (with K. F. Zimmermann).

  • “Youth unemployment in Europe: What to do about it?” Intereconomics 48:4 (2013): 230–235 (with W. Eichhorst and H. Hinte).

  • “Kick it like Özil? Decomposing the native-migrant education gap.” International Migration Review 49:3 (2015): 757-789 (with A. Krause und S. Schüller).