University of California, Merced, USA, and IZA, Germany
IZA World of Labor role
Current position
Professor, Department of Economics, University of California, Merced, USA
Research interest
International migration, remittances, labor economics
Past positions
Professor, Department of Economics, San Diego State University, USA (2006–2019)
PhD Applied Economics, Western Michigan University, 1998
Selected publications
“Can sanctuary policies reduce domestic violence?” American Law and Economics Review (2022) (with M. Deza).
“Immigration enforcement and children's living arrangements.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 38:1 (2019): 11–40 (with E. Arenas-Arroyo).
“Settling for academia? H-1B visas and the career choices of international students in the United States.” Journal of Human Resources 54:2 (2019): 401–429 (with D. Furtado).
“The importance of accounting for variability in remittance income.” In: Handbook of Research Methods in Migration. Cheltenham. UK: Edward Elgar, 2011 (with S. Pozo).
“The impact of legalization on remittances from Latino migrants.” In: Latinos and the Economy: Integration and Impact in Schools, Labor Markets, and Beyond. Berlin: Springer Science, 2010 (with F. Mazzolari).
The widespread impacts of remittance flows Updated
Remittances have the potential to lift developing economies
Catalina Amuedo-DorantesSusan Pozo, May 2023Remittances have risen spectacularly in absolute terms and in relation to traditional sources of foreign exchange, such as export revenues. Remittances can improve the well-being of family members left behind and boost growth rates of receiving economies. They can also create a culture of dependency, lowering labor force participation in recipient nations, promoting conspicuous consumption, and accelerating environmental degradation. A more thorough understanding of their impacts can help formulate policies that enable developing economies to harness the most out of these monetary inflows.MoreLess