Eliana Viviano

Bank of Italy, Italy

World of labor is a very smart way to make economic research more accessible and to contribute to disseminate new ideas and works on hotly debated issues

IZA World of Labor role


Current position

Economist, Bank of Italy, Italy

Research interest

Labor economics, employment


PhD Economics, Tor Vergata University, Rome, 2003

Selected publications

  • "Firing costs and firm hiring: Evidence from an Italian reform." Economic Policy 33:93 (2018): 101–130 (with P. Sestito).

  • "Has the wage Phillips curve changed in the euro area?" IZA Journal of Labor Policy 6:1 (2017): 1–22 (with G. Bulligan).

  • "Behind and beyond the employment rate." Journal of the Royal Statistics Society Series A 179:3 (2016): 657–681 (with A. Brandolini).

  • "Entry barriers in retail trade." Economic Journal 121:551 (2011): 145–170 (with F. Schivardi).

  • "Does the ILO definition capture all unemployment?” Journal of the European Economic Association 4:1 (2006): 153–179 (with A. Brandolini and P. Cipollone).