Bank of Italy, Italy
IZA World of Labor role
Current position
Economist, Bank of Italy, Italy
Research interest
Labor economics, employment
PhD Economics, Tor Vergata University, Rome, 2003
Selected publications
"Firing costs and firm hiring: Evidence from an Italian reform." Economic Policy 33:93 (2018): 101–130 (with P. Sestito).
"Has the wage Phillips curve changed in the euro area?" IZA Journal of Labor Policy 6:1 (2017): 1–22 (with G. Bulligan).
"Behind and beyond the employment rate." Journal of the Royal Statistics Society Series A 179:3 (2016): 657–681 (with A. Brandolini).
"Entry barriers in retail trade." Economic Journal 121:551 (2011): 145–170 (with F. Schivardi).
"Does the ILO definition capture all unemployment?” Journal of the European Economic Association 4:1 (2006): 153–179 (with A. Brandolini and P. Cipollone).
Measuring employment and unemployment
Should statistical criteria for measuring employment and unemployment be re-examined?
Andrea BrandoliniEliana Viviano, August 2018Measuring employment and unemployment is essential for economic policy. Internationally agreed measures (e.g. headcount employment and unemployment rates based on standard definitions) enhance comparability across time and space, but changes in real labor markets and policy agendas challenge these traditional conventions. Boundaries between different labor market states are blurred, complicating identification. Individual experiences in each state may vary considerably, highlighting the importance of how each employed or unemployed person is weighted in statistical indices.MoreLess