Gender equality still 300 years away; Lack of affordable childcare is forcing UK women out of work

Today’s global news summary brings news affecting the UK, France and the world, and discusses issues as diverse as women’s employment, gender equality, and pension reforms.
- UK: Lack of affordable childcare forcing UK women out of work
- France: Company fined for illegally employing children
- The world: Gender equality still ‘300 years away’
Lack of affordable childcare forcing UK women out of work
Demography, family, and gender
A lack of affordable childcare in the UK is forcing women out of work and hampering career progression, causing the UK to fall five places in a global index of women’s employment outcomes, reports Personenel Today. "The UK’s gender pay gap widened by 2.4 percentage points to 14.4% in 2021, four times the average increase across the OECD as a whole. This, coupled with a 0.4 percentage point decline in the female labour force participation rate, led to the UK slipping down PwC’s list." The professional services firm said that rising childcare costs are pricing many women out of work. In 2021, childcare costs relative to average income were one of the highest among OECD countries, representing nearly a third of the income of a UK family on an average wage.
In her article Astrid Kunze writes that “The main shortcoming of cross-country panel data studies is that they cannot completely rule out the possibility that the estimated effects of parental leave on maternal labor supply are not also related to other institutional differences, such as childcare provision or industry wage structure.”
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French oil refineries blockaded as 1 million protest against pension reforms
Labor markets and institutions
Oil refineries across France were blockaded Tuesday by workers taking part in a 1-million-strong protest against government plans to raise the retirement age., reports CNN Business. According to a spokesperson, more than 40% of workers at French energy company EDF were on strike Tuesday.v "Another energy supplier, Enedis, said up to 4,000 clients in Boulogne-sur-mer in northern France lost electricity Tuesday morning. The company blamed the power cuts on striking union workers."
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Gender equality still ‘300 years away’
Demography, family, and gender
“Gender equality is growing more distant. On the current track, UN Women puts it 300 years away,” secretary general of the UN, António Guterres, said in a general assembly speech ahead of International Women’s Day on 8 March". The Guardian reports that Guterres called for “collective action” worldwide by governments, civil society and the private sector to provide gender-responsive education [and] improve skills training"
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