April 25, 2017

IZA World of Labor launches new series of national labor market overviews

IZA World of Labor launches new series of national labor market overviews

Today, IZA World of Labor is publishing the first of what we expect will be a series of 27 articles, each focusing on a different country and entitled “The labor market in…”

Labor and macroeconomists from each of these countries have agreed to write an article summarizing the current state of the central issues in the country’s labor market: Unemployment and labor-force participation, overall and by demographic group; changes in real wages and wage inequality; and other central country-specific labor-market topics.

Unlike the usual IZA World of Labor articles, these are designed to lay out and organize labor-market statistics in an interesting way, rather than to summarize knowledge about a particular labor-market issue. As such, while like all World of Labor articles they are aimed at policymakers and advisers, journalists, interested laypeople, and scholars, they should provide in one place the statistical background to enable all of these groups to understand where the labor market in their own country now stands.

The first article in the series is The labor market in the US, 2000–2016 by IZA World of Labor Editor-in-Chief Daniel S. Hamermesh.