Evidence-based policy making
IZA World of Labor is an online platform that provides policy analysts, journalists, academics and society generally with relevant and concise information on labor market issues. Based on the latest research, it provides current thinking on labor markets worldwide in a clear and accessible style. IZA World of Labor aims to support evidence-based policy making and increase awareness of labor market issues, including current concerns like the impact of Covid-19, and longer-term problems like inequality.
Disability and labor market outcomes
Disability is associated with labor market disadvantage; evidence points to this being a causal relationship
In Europe, about one in eight people of working age report having a disability; that is, a long-term limiting health condition. Despite the introduction of a range of legislative and policy initiatives designed to eliminate discrimination and facilitate retention of and entry into work, disability is associated with substantial and enduring labor market disadvantage in many countries. Identifying the reasons for this is complex, but critical to determine effective policy solutions that reduce the extent, and social and economic costs, of disability-related disadvantage.
Fertility decisions and alternative types of childcare Updated
Relative costs and family characteristics determine the effectiveness of different forms of childcare
Increasing population age and low fertility rates, which characterize most modern societies, compromise the balance between people who can participate in the labor market and people who need care. This is a demographic and social issue that is likely to grow in importance for future generations. It is therefore crucial to understand what factors can positively influence fertility decisions. Policies related to the availability and costs of different kinds of childcare (e.g. formal care, grandparents, childminders) should be considered after an evaluation of their effects on the probability of women having children.MoreLess -
The shadow economy in industrial countries Updated
Reducing the size of the shadow economy requires reducing its attractiveness while improving official institutions
Dominik H. Enste , October 2024The shadow (underground) economy has a major impact on society and economy in many countries. People evade taxes and regulations by working in the shadow economy or by employing people illegally. On the one hand, this unregulated economic activity can result in reduced tax revenue and fewer public goods and services, lower tax morale and less tax compliance, higher control costs, and lower economic growth rates. But on the other hand, the shadow economy can be a powerful force fostering institutional change and boosting the overall production of goods and services in an economy. The shadow economy has implications on the political order and institutional change.MoreLess -
Entrepreneurs and their impact on jobs and economic growth Updated
Productive entrepreneurs can invigorate the economy by creating jobs and new technologies, and increasing productivity
Alexander S. Kritikos , October 2024Entrepreneurs, creators of new firms, are a rare species. Even in innovation-driven economies, only 1–2% of the work force starts a business in any given year. Yet entrepreneurs, particularly innovative entrepreneurs, are vital to the competitiveness of the economy and may establish new jobs. The gains of entrepreneurship are only realized, however, if the business environment is receptive to innovation. In addition, policymakers need to prepare for the potential job losses that can occur in the medium term through “creative destruction” as entrepreneurs strive for increased productivity.
Using instrumental variables to establish causality Updated
Even with observational data, causality can be recovered with the help of instrumental variables estimation
Grigory AleksinSascha O. Becker , September 2024Randomized control trials are often considered the gold standard to establish causality. However, in many policy-relevant situations, these trials are not possible. Instrumental variables affect the outcome only via a specific treatment; as such, they allow for the estimation of a causal effect. However, finding valid instruments is difficult. Moreover, instrumental variables (IV) estimates recover a causal effect only for a specific part of the population. While those limitations are important, the objective of establishing causality remains; and instrumental variables are an important econometric tool to achieve this objective.MoreLess
Nov 04, 2024
Air pollution cuts job seekers’ wage demands
New study links poor air quality to reduced job search effort -
Oct 31, 2024
Do salary history bans really help level the playing field?
Voluntary disclosure of past salaries undermines efforts to close pay gaps and promote wage equality in the U.S. -
Oct 17, 2024
NHS trainee doctors quit due to unfavorable working conditions
Reform that cut pay for unsocial hours has contributed to higher dropout rates and worsened patient outcomes -
Oct 14, 2024
Daron Acemoglu co-wins 2024 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences
IZA Fellow honored “for studies of how institutions are formed and affect prosperity”
Do productivity signals reduce disability-related hiring discrimination?
How education drives the economic success of immigrants from China in the US
Unintended consequences: How Pinochet’s policies empowered Chilean women
The long-run effects of affirmative action bans
How fast internet is shaping local culture and harmful traditional norms?
Effects of parental death on labor market outcomes and gender inequalities
Are employers eager to hire the unemployed?
The surprising effects of education on family dynamics for men and women
Decoding gender bias: The role of personal interaction
10 years of IZA World of Labor
How political connections shape firm outcomes in Germany
Escaping the debt trap: Long-run effects of individual debt relief
Empowering local talent
ChatGPT in the workplace: Who's adopting and what's holding others back?
Small children, big problems
How perceived inequality shapes well-being
Reducing presenteeism
Essential yet vulnerable
Working from home increases work-home distances
Intergenerational mobility and credit
Mental health at scale
Parental investments
How differences in job search drive the gender earnings gap
From steel to skills
How human capital reshapes religious affiliation
From refugees to citizens
Transforming societies through education
The impact of abortion bans on birth rates
Reaching for gold!
Seasonal allergies and accidents
Redefining aging
Navigating innovation
Is vocational education and training (VET) an option to increase education and employment?
The parenthood penalty in mental health
How female leaders are transforming workplace dynamics
Managerial stress accelerates aging and increases mortality among CEOs
Traumas of the past
How Many Layoffs Could Be Avoided by Pay Cuts?
Were COVID and the Great Recession Well-being Reducing?
Closing the Gender Pay Gap: A Fresh Approach
Is Your Office Safe? Unpacking the #MeToo Numbers
Where are the fathers?
More accurate weather forecast and mortality
Why Degrowth won’t save the world
Exposure to war and its labor market consequences
Slow traffic, fast food: The effects of time lost on food store choice
Working from home during Covid and women’s job satisfaction
Do international tourist arrivals change residents’ attitudes toward immigration?
The child penalty for graduates
ChatGPT and IZA World of Labor
Does providing social services reduce the risk of repeated domestic abuse?
The direct and indirect effects of online job search advice
Ranking the happiness of countries and states
Telework during the Covid-19 pandemic