University of Turin and Collegio Carlo Alberto, Italy, and IZA, Germany
IZA World of Labor role
Current position
Associate Professor in Demography, University of Turin
Research interest
Demography, family economics, policy evaluation
PhD Economics, ISER University of Essex, 2009
Selected publications
"Repartnering and fertility." Genus (2024) (with F. Luppi and M. Migheli)
"Do Board Gender Quotas Matter? Selection, Performance and Stock Market Effects." Management Science 68:8 (2022): 5557-6354 (with G. Ferrari, V. Ferraro, and P. Profeta).
"Does breastfeeding support at work help mothers, children, and employers at the same time?" Journal of Demographic Economics 90:1 (2024): 88-115 (with E. Del Bono).
"Allocation of time and child socio-emotional skills." Review of Economics of the Household 20 (2022): 1155-1192 (with E. Meroni and D. Piazzalunga).
"Cash Transfer Programs and Household Labor Supply." European Economic Review (with D. Del Boca and G. Sorrenti), 2021
"The effect of grandparental support on mothers’ labour market participation: An instrumental variable approach." European Journal of Population 30:4 (2014): 369–390 (with B. Arpino and L. P. Tavares).
Fertility decisions and alternative types of childcare Updated
Relative costs and family characteristics determine the effectiveness of different forms of childcare
Increasing population age and low fertility rates, which characterize most modern societies, compromise the balance between people who can participate in the labor market and people who need care. This is a demographic and social issue that is likely to grow in importance for future generations. It is therefore crucial to understand what factors can positively influence fertility decisions. Policies related to the availability and costs of different kinds of childcare (e.g. formal care, grandparents, childminders) should be considered after an evaluation of their effects on the probability of women having children.MoreLess