Expanding higher education might solve rising
youth unemployment and widening inequality in Africa
Developing countries often face two well-known
structural problems: high youth unemployment and high inequality. In recent
decades, policymakers have increased the share of government spending on
education in developing countries to address both of these issues. The
empirical literature offers mixed results on which type of education is most
suitable to improve gainful employment and reduce inequality: is it primary,
secondary, or tertiary education? Investigating recent literature on the
returns to education in selected developing countries in Africa can help to
answer this question.
Education benefits individuals, but the societal benefits are
likely even greater
Formal schooling increases earnings and provides other
individual benefits. However, societal benefits of education may exceed individual benefits.
Research finds that higher average education levels in an area are correlated with higher
earnings, even for local residents with minimal education. Science, technology, engineering,
and mathematics (STEM) graduates appear to generate especially strong external effects, due to
their role in stimulating innovation and economic growth. Several strategies to test for
causality find human capital externalities do exist.
Increased stakes in educational achievement
explain why today’s anxious parents engage in intensive parenting styles
Parents now engage in much more intensive
parenting styles compared to a few decades ago. Today’s parents supervise
their children more closely, spend more time interacting with them, help
much more with homework, and place more emphasis on educational achievement.
More intensive parenting has also led to more unequal parenting: highly
educated parents with high incomes have increased their parenting
investments the most, leading to a growing “parenting gap” in society. These
trends can contribute to declining social mobility and further exacerbate
rising inequality, which raises the question of how policymakers should
Policies to tackle wage inequality should focus
on skills alongside reform of labor market institutions
Policymakers in many OECD countries are
increasingly concerned about high and rising inequality. Much of the
evidence (as far back as Adam Smith’s The Wealth of
Nations) points to the importance of skills in tackling wage
inequality. Yet a recent strand of the research argues that (cognitive)
skills explain little of the cross-country differences in wage inequality.
Does this challenge the received wisdom on the relationship between skills
and wage inequality? No, because this recent research fails to account for
the fact that the price of skill (and thus wage inequality) is determined to
a large extent by the match of skill supply and demand.
Additional female educational attainment
generally lowers fertility, but the relationship is complex
The negative correlation between women's
education and fertility has been observed across regions and time, although
it is now weaker among high-income countries. Women's education level could
affect fertility through its impact on women's health and their physical
capacity to give birth, children's health, the number of children desired,
and women's ability to control birth and knowledge of different birth
control methods. Each of these mechanisms depends on the individual,
institutional, and country circumstances experienced. Their relative
importance may change along a country's economic development process.
Mothers'primary school completion significantly improves child and infant health and reduces teenage fertility
There is a strong link between mothers’ primary school completion (8 or more years of schooling) and better socioeconomic outcomes, such as improved child health and reduced teenage fertility, but establishing causality is challenging. A 1997 compulsory schooling law in Turkey, which extended education from five to eight years, provides a natural experiment to identify causal effects. Empirical evidence suggests that increased female education from such reform significantly improves many socioeconomic outcomes of mothers and their children. While suggested mechanisms include changes in healthcare services utilization and risky pregnancy behaviors, such as smoking, thorough investigation of underlying channels is lacking.
Economic growth determines a nation’s long-term
economic well-being and crucially depends on skills
Politicians typically focus on short-term
economic issues; but, a nation’s long-term economic well-being is directly
linked to its rate of economic growth. In turn, its growth rate is directly
linked to the economically relevant skills of its population. Until
recently, however, economists have found it hard to confirm this through
empirical analysis because of difficulties in measuring the skills of
different societies. International tests of mathematics and science
achievement now offer reliable measures of a population’s relevant cognitive