RWI, and IZA, Germany
IZA World of Labor role
Current position
Researcher, RWI – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research, Germany
Research interest
Applied microeconometrics, development economics, migration economics, labor economics
Past positions
Consultant, International Labor Organization (ILO), Peru; Short-Term Consultant, World Bank, Development Impact Evaluation Research Group (DIME), USA
PhD in Economics, Ruhr University Bochum, 2020
Selected publications
"School attendance and child labor: Evidence from Mexico’s full-time school program." Economics of Education Review 90 (2022): 102294 (with M. Kozhaya).
"The effects of enhanced enforcement at Mexico’s southern border: Evidence from Central American deportees." Demography 57:5 (2020): 1597–1623.
"Remittances and the brain drain: Evidence from microdata for sub-Saharan Africa." Journal of Development Studies 55:7 (2019): 1455–1476 (with J. Bredtmann and S. Otten).
"Heterogeneous rebound effects in individual mobility: Evidence from German households." Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 51:2 (2016): 95–114 (with M. Frondel and C. Vance).
Does government spending crowd out voluntary labor and donations? Updated
There is little evidence that government spending crowds out private charitable donations of time and money
Julia BredtmannFernanda Martinez Flores, January 2023Private charitable contributions play an essential role in most economies. From a policy perspective, there is concern that comprehensive government spending might crowd out private charitable donations. If perfect crowding out occurs, then every dollar spent by the government will lead to a one-for-one decrease in private spending, leaving the total level of welfare unaltered. Understanding the magnitude and the causes of crowding out is crucial from a policy perspective, as crowding out represents a hidden cost to public spending and can thus have significant consequences for government policies toward public welfare provision.MoreLess