Benedikt Herz

European Commission, Belgium

Good policy relies on sound empirical evidence. For policymakers especially, IZA World of Labor is therefore an important outlet that covers a wide range of recent developments in labor economics

IZA World of Labor role


Current position

Economist, European Commission, Belgium

Research interest

Labor economics, applied economics


PhD Economics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2015

Selected publications

  • "Border effects in European public procurement." Journal of Economic Geography (Forthcoming) (with X.-L. Varela-Irimia).

  • "Structural change and the fertility transition in the American South." Review of Economics and Statistics (Forthcoming) (with P. Ager and M. Brueckner).

  • "Accounting for mismatch unemployment." Journal of the European Economic Association (Forthcoming) (with T. van Rens).

  • "Specific human capital and wait unemployment." Journal of Labor Economics 37:2 (2019).

  • “Effects of the European Union trademark: Lessons for the harmonization of intellectual property systems.” Research Policy 48:7 (2019) (with M. Mejer).