René Böheim

Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria, and IZA, Germany

Good policy depends on informed advice—World of Labor aims to provide the latest state of research on a wide range of issues in labor policy

IZA World of Labor role


Current position

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria

Research interest

Labor economics, population economics, applied microeconometrics


PhD, University of Essex, Colchester, 2002

Selected publications

  • "The gender wage gap in Austria: Eppur si muove!" Empirica 40:4 (2013): 585–606 (with K. Himpele, H. Mahringer, and C. Zulehner).

  • "The employment of temporary agency workers in the UK: For or against the trade unions?" Economica 80:317 (2013): 65–95 (with M. Zweimüller).

  • "Great expectations: Past wages and unemployment durations." Labour Economics 18:6 (2011): 778–785 (with G. T. Horvath and R. Winter-Ebmer).

  • "Dependent self-employment: Workers between employment and self-employment in the UK." Journal of Labour Market Research 42:2 (2009): 182–195 (with U. Mühlberger).

  • "The impact of collective bargaining on employer-provided training in Britain." Industrial Relations—A Journal of Economy & Society 43:3 (2004): 520–545 (with A. L. Booth).