CIELO Laboral has launched a global initiative to study the Future of Work, inviting the Member States to undertake dialogues regarding the future of work at national level, based on what is called “the four talks” of the Centenary, which revolve around the following thematic blocks: namely, “work and society”, “decent work for all”, “organisation of work and production” and “governance of work”. As is easy to see, the digital revolution which we are currently experiencing and which will become more pronounced in the coming years, can easily be included in any of those characteristics, since it is a cross-cutting topic which affects all areas of work, society, and life itself.
In view of the above, this international conference proposes to focus on topical issues of research so as to respond adequately to the enormous number of legal problems which could derive from these technological, social and labor profound changes currently taking place. The conference organizers invite all stakeholders and researchers to participate actively in the Santiago de Compostela (Spain) international conference on 5th and 6th April 2018.
Deadline for the submission of papers: February 25, 2018.