International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization: Academy on Labour Migration

International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization: Academy on Labour Migration
July 03, 2017 - July 14, 2017

Today there are an estimated 244 million international migrants around the world, the majority of whom are migrant workers.  Globalization, demographic shifts, conflicts, income inequalities and climate change will encourage ever more people to cross borders in search of employment and security.  Yet, the migration process entails complex challenges in terms of governance, migrant workers' protection, migration and development linkages and international cooperation.

The Academy on Labour Migration (LMA) offers participants a unique opportunity to benefit from a diversified training package, exploring fair and effective labour migration governance, linkages between migration and sustainable development, and instruments and mechanisms for protecting migrants' and their families' rights. Participants will tailor-make their own two-week course by choosing from several elective courses, and will benefit from an innovative and dynamic learning environment.

Click here to download the flyer of the course in English with additional information


The LMA aims at providing advanced knowledge and enhancing the capacity of key migration actors to better understand labour migration challenges and opportunities in a changing political, economic and social context.

It covers a wide range of labour migration cross-cutting themes, such as the protection of men and women migrant worker, fair and effective labour migration governance, and linkages between migration and sustainable development. At the end of the LMA, participants will be able to:

  • Understand and address key issues and policies regarding labour migration at the global and regional level, and also from a gender perspective;
  • promote migration-development linkages and rights-based approaches to labour migration policies and programmes at national, regional and international levels; 
  • recognize the pivotal role of social dialogue and key world-of-work actors (representatives of employers’ and workers’ organizations) in the development of labour migration policy, and in resolving critical issues relating to labour migration;
  • analyze and use International Labour Standards and ILO and United Nations supervisory mechanisms and procedures for protecting migrant workers’ human rights, including labour rights and;
  • deepen and master the “Decent Work” approach for migrants and refugees.
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