High-Level Policy Forum on the New OECD Jobs Strategy

High-Level Policy Forum on the New OECD Jobs Strategy
June 13, 2017

The German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the OECD are jointly organizing a High-Level Policy Forum on the New Jobs Strategy which will take place on 13 June 2017 in Berlin. The Forum will be hosted by Minister Andrea Nahles together with Secretary-General Angel Gurría.

The Forum will be a key milestone for Ministers of Labour and Employment to discuss their main policy priorities and how these could be best reflected in the new Strategy. Ministers will be invited to discuss the new framework proposed for the OECD Jobs Strategy and the emerging policy messages. It will also be an opportunity for Ministers to exchange views on a number of specific topics of particular relevance, including: how to enhance job quality; how to promote labour market resilience; and how to adapt policies and institutions to the challenges of a rapidly changing labour market.

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