Counterfactual Methods for Policy Impact Evaluation 2016

  • October 2024

    IZA/ECONtribute Workshop on the Economics of Education


    The 8th IZA/ECONtribute Workshop on the Economics of Education will convene international scholars focusing on the development of skills within both formal and informal educational contexts and their valuation in the labor market. The conference will feature a select group of presenters, alongside a poster session for local researchers from the host institutions. Presentations and the keynote speech will be accessible via Zoom to an external audience.

Counterfactual Methods for Policy Impact Evaluation 2016
October 20, 2016 - October 21, 2016
The aim of the conference is to bring together policymakers and researchers to discuss developments in counterfactual methods applied to the impact evaluation of policy interventions, with a focus on EU employment and social policies.

The event will host the round table "Policy Making with Administrative data: is there a EU dimension?" on 21 October.

The round table will be moderated by Prof. Claudio Lucifora (Università Cattolica, Milan). Participants include:

  • Prof. Tito Michele Boeri, Università Bocconi and President of the Italian National Social Security Institute (INPS)
  • Prof. Joachim Möller, Director of The Institute for Employment Research (IAB) of the German Federal Employment Agency (BA)
  • Prof. Daniele Checchi, Università degli Studi di Milano and Director of Luxembourg LIS Office
  • Prof. Nuno Crato, Joint Research Centre (JRC) / Former Minister of Education Portugal (2011-2015)
  • Prof. Michael Rosholm, Aarhus University
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