September 17, 2020 -
September 18, 2020
Due to the global health situation caused by coronavirus pandemic, the AIEL 2020 Annual Conference scheduled at the University of Salerno has been postponed to September 2021. For this year, the Board has decided to organize an online conference.
The Italian Association of Labour Economists is pleased to invite you to attend the 35th Annual Conference to be held online, on September 17-18, 2020. More information on the web platform will be provided in due course.
The program includes invited lectures and parallel sessions. The conference provides an opportunity to discuss issues related to the functioning of the labour market and to develop research collaborations.
Theme: Causes and consequences of inequality in the labor market and beyond.
The theme of the AIEL conference is inequality considered from different points of view. Public interest on this topic has grown substantially in recent years: economists, politicians and other stakeholders share a concern about increasing inequality as a threat to social stability. The Covid health emergency and the subsequent economic crisis has emphasised even further the need of effective policies to fight increasing inequality between and within countries. Yet, a constructive discussion on inequality, its causes and economic, social and political consequences cannot take place without a clear definition of it. Inequality has many dimensions: gender, age, geographical residence, ethnicity, nationality, religion, health and other kinds of capabilities. It can also manifest itself in several forms: differences in earnings, in opportunities for education, work and services (health, transport), in career opportunities or in taxation. Inequality is often linked to the akin phenomenon of discrimination, but the differences between these two concepts can be quite subtle and complex.
Keynote speakers:
This year the AIEL keynote lecture will be delivered by Claudia Olivetti – Dartmouth College, USA
Invited policy session
There will be a special invited plenary session on “Inequalities in the Italian Academia”. The invited speakers will be:
Francesca Bettio – Università di Siena
Antonio Felice Uricchio – Presidente ANVUR
Gianfranco Viesti – Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”
Confirm attendance online no later than September 6, 2020.
The Italian Association of Labour Economists is pleased to invite you to attend the 35th Annual Conference to be held online, on September 17-18, 2020. More information on the web platform will be provided in due course.
The program includes invited lectures and parallel sessions. The conference provides an opportunity to discuss issues related to the functioning of the labour market and to develop research collaborations.
Theme: Causes and consequences of inequality in the labor market and beyond.
The theme of the AIEL conference is inequality considered from different points of view. Public interest on this topic has grown substantially in recent years: economists, politicians and other stakeholders share a concern about increasing inequality as a threat to social stability. The Covid health emergency and the subsequent economic crisis has emphasised even further the need of effective policies to fight increasing inequality between and within countries. Yet, a constructive discussion on inequality, its causes and economic, social and political consequences cannot take place without a clear definition of it. Inequality has many dimensions: gender, age, geographical residence, ethnicity, nationality, religion, health and other kinds of capabilities. It can also manifest itself in several forms: differences in earnings, in opportunities for education, work and services (health, transport), in career opportunities or in taxation. Inequality is often linked to the akin phenomenon of discrimination, but the differences between these two concepts can be quite subtle and complex.
Keynote speakers:
This year the AIEL keynote lecture will be delivered by Claudia Olivetti – Dartmouth College, USA
Invited policy session
There will be a special invited plenary session on “Inequalities in the Italian Academia”. The invited speakers will be:
Francesca Bettio – Università di Siena
Antonio Felice Uricchio – Presidente ANVUR
Gianfranco Viesti – Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”
Confirm attendance online no later than September 6, 2020.