4th IZA Labor Statistics Workshop on the Measurement of Labor Market Conditions

4th IZA Labor Statistics Workshop on the Measurement of Labor Market Conditions
June 22, 2020 - June 23, 2020
About the Workshop

Indicators of labor market tightness and economic distress are among the most important statistical measures for research and policy at the national, regional and local levels. Analyses often rely on the unemployment rate, an indicator that is a valuable but nonetheless incomplete barometer of labor market conditions. Recent evidence of a change in the historical relationship between the unemployment rate and wage growth has underscored the need for alternative measures of labor market conditions. A more complete assessment of labor market conditions would take into account characteristics of the unemployed that might affect their employability—for example, how long they have been without work and their skills in relation to the requirements of available jobs. A broader assessment also would consider the fact that many of those who fill vacant jobs come from out of the labor force rather than from the ranks of the unemployed. Existing survey data may provide an incomplete and noisy picture of the characteristics of potential job candidates and their labor market histories. Further, any full assessment of labor market conditions would consider the demand side as well as the supply side of the labor market. In addition to the survey data that underlie conventional labor market statistics, some interesting recent research has exploited proprietary data on help wanted advertising and individual work histories.

The purpose of the 2020 workshop of IZA’s “Labor Statistics” program area is to bring together senior and junior researchers to discuss their recent empirical research related to the measurement of labor market conditions. Papers of interest might present new evidence on:
  • The measurement of unemployment, unemployment duration and other characteristics of the unemployed that may affect their employability
  • The measurement of flows across labor market states
  • Alternatives to the unemployment rate for measuring the available supply of labor
  • Changes over time in job requirements and employer recruiting intensity
  • The performance of alternative measures of labor market tightness as predictors of labor market outcomes
  • The measurement of economic distress at the regional and local level

Preference will be given to papers that have an explicit measurement focus or that develop or make use of novel data—including data from surveys, administrative records, linked data sets, or proprietary sources—to produce better measurements or fill data gaps while addressing substantive questions related to the measurement of labor market conditions.

Keynote Speakers:
Till von Wachter (University of California, Los Angeles and IZA)


Researchers interested in participating should submit a full paper or extended abstract by February 17, 2020 using our online application form. Notification of acceptance will be provided by March 9, 2020.

Travel and Accommodation

Those authors who are invited are expected to participate in the full 2-day workshop. Economy class airfares and up to 3 nights of lodging for presenting authors and discussants will be covered according to the following IZA Reimbursement Guidelines.

Please note that tax regulations prohibit IZA from fully reimbursing the travel expense of conference participants who combine their trip with other destinations or extend their stay beyond the four-day window surrounding the event.

Please be sure before applying that your visa status will allow you to attend the event.
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