3rd IZA Junior/Senior Symposium

3rd IZA Junior/Senior Symposium
July 16, 2018 - July 17, 2018

After extremely successful Symposia in Bonn in 2016 and Austin in 2017, the third IZA Junior/Senior Labor Symposium will be held at IZA in Bonn, Germany, on Monday and Tuesday, July 16-17, 2018. We shall have 10 papers presented by authors who are between 1 and 6 years past the Ph.D. No author on any accepted paper should be outside this range of experience.

In addition to the ten authors in attendance, two senior labor economists, Simon Burgess of University of Bristol and IZA, and Daniel S. Hamermesh of Barnard College and IZA, will attend throughout and will comment on the papers as they are presented, thus providing some extra mentoring at an early stage of scholars’ careers. Moreover, each paper will be discussed formally by one of the other junior attendees.


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