26th Spring Meeting of Young Economists (SMYE 2022)

26th Spring Meeting of Young Economists (SMYE 2022)
May 19, 2022 - May 21, 2022

The 26th Spring Meeting of Young Economists in Orleans will take place 19-21 May 2022.

The plan is for the conference to be held in person. A prize for the best paper will be awarded during the conference. 

The main objective of the Spring of Meeting Economists (SMYE) is to foster interactions in a relaxed atmosphere and to prevent the anonymity large conferences might suffer from. Therefore the number of presenters does not exceed 200. Consequently, admittance to the conference is highly competitive and entirely based on research quality as assessed through a double-blind review process with external reviewers (mostly previous SMYE participants) (acceptance rate around 30%). As a consequence, the casual atmosphere of the SMYE goes together the academic excellence of the presentation.

Every year the SMYE invites a couple of senior researchers to address the SMYE participants.


The European Association of Young Economists is an association by young economists for young economists which is entirely run by volunteers. The primary objective of the association is to facilitate the interaction between young non-tenured researchers in economics. The EAYE relies on the values of transparency, research excellence and also inclusiveness and openness. Every young economist is welcome to propose new activities in line with the objectives and values of the EAYE. The organization is well-known for its organization of the annual Spring Meeting of Young Economists (SMYE). 

The association has been created by Uwe Dulleck and Achim Wambach to organize the first SMYE in 1996. It rapidly expanded from an initial 30 participants to over 100 participants during the third edition in Berlin. By now, the SMYE has become an international event, which has been organized in 13 different countries, gathers around 200 young researchers and receives over 700 submissions per year.

Recently the European Association of Young Economists has developed its activities. It also organizes thematic workshops (recently in Paris and in Leipzig) and it organizes a session dedicated to topics especially important for young economists at the EEA-ESEM Congress.

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