11th Workshop on Labor Economics and Social Policy

11th Workshop on Labor Economics and Social Policy
March 12, 2022 - March 13, 2022

The Dresden Branch of the ifo Institute and the Technische Universität Dresden, invite you to submit your (preliminary) paper to the 11th ifo Dresden Workshop on Labor Economics and Social Policy. This year, preference is given to contributions on the following topics:

  • Immigrants' residential choice and skill distribution
  • Health policies and health of the work force
  • Early childhood interventions and skill formation

The workshop will be held in English. Each paper will be allocated 45 minutes, to be divided between the presentation, a discussion by an assigned workshop participant and a general discussion.

*Due to the general uncertainty around the Covid-19 pandemic, the workshop will take place online, or, if circumstances allow it, at the ifo Institute.

Scientific organizer(s): Alexander Kemnitz (Technische Universität Dresden), Mona Foertsch (ifo Institute, Dresden Branch), Katharina Heisig (ifo Institute, Dresden Branch), Stefanie Knoll (ifo Institute, Dresden Branch), Selina Schulze Spuentrup, (ifo Institute, Dresden Branch)

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