VATT Institute for Economic Research, Finland, and IZA, Germany
IZA World of Labor role
Current position
Research Professor, VATT Institute for Economic Research; Adjunct Professor of Economics, University of Helsinki
Research interest
Social security, unemployment, early retirement pensions
Past positions
Trainee/Assistant Researcher/Senior Researcher, VATT Institute for Economic Research, 1996–2012; Visiting Senior Researcher, Aarhus School of Business, 2007
PhD Economics, University of Helsinki, 2007
Selected publications
“Long-term effects of extended unemployment benefits for older workers.” Labour Economics 62 (2020) (with H. Pesola).
"The spike at benefit exhaustion: The role of measurement error in benefit eligibility.” Labour Economics 60 (2019): 75–83 (with H. Pesola and J. Verho).
“Does subsidized part-time employment help unemployed workers to find full-time employment?” Labour Economics 56 (2019): 68–83 (with J. M. Arranz and C. García-Serrano).
“Does experience rating reduce sickness and disability claims? Evidence from policy kinks.” Journal of Health Economics 61 (2018): 178–192 (with T. Paukkeri).
"A distributional analysis of earnings losses of displaced workers in an economic depression and recovery." Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 76 (2015): 565–588 (with O. Korkeamäki).
The labor market in Finland, 2000–2018 Updated
The economy has finally started to recover from an almost decade-long economic stagnation
Tomi KyyräHanna Pesola, March 2020Finland's population is aging rapidly by international comparison. The shrinking working-age population means that the burden of increasing pension and health care expenditures is placed on a smaller group of employed workers, while the scope for economic growth through increased labor input diminishes. Fiscal sustainability of the welfare state calls for a high employment rate among people of working age. Recent increases in employment contribute favorably to public finances, but high overall unemployment and a large share of the long-term unemployed are serious concerns.MoreLess