Stephan L. Thomsen

Leibniz Universität Hannover, and IZA, Germany

World of Labor is an extraordinary project for two reasons. First, it provides evidence-based and proven quality policy advice on many labor-related issues. Second, it is free. Policymakers, researchers and the public from all over the world can access the state of the art knowledge in labor economics without any costs.

IZA World of Labor role


Current position

Professor of Economics, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany

Research interest

Labor economics, economics of education, migration, policy evaluation, econometrics, empirical economics

Past positions

Chairman and Academic Head, Niedersächsisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (NIW), Germany


Dr. rer. pol., Universität Frankfurt, 2006

Selected publications

  • “Are we spending too many years in school? Causal evidence of the impact of shortening secondary school duration.” German Economic Review 16:1 (2015): 65–86 (with B. Büttner).

  • “Variation of learning intensity in late adolescence and the impact on noncognitive skills.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A 177:4 (2014) 861-892 (with H. Thiel and B. Büttner).

  • “Crowding out informal caregivers. Evidence from a field experiment in Germany.” Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 73:3 (2011): 398–427 (with M. Arntz).

  • “How do employment effects of job creation schemes differ with respect to the foregoing unemployment duration?” Labour Economics 17:1 (2010): 38–51 (with R. Hujer).

  • “Language usage, participation, employment and earnings—evidence for foreigners in Germany with multiple sources of selection.” Labour Economics 16:3 (2009): 330–341 (with A. Aldashev and J. Gernandt).