Siwan Anderson

University of British Columbia, Canada

World of Labor is an innovative project aimed at making academic research more accessible to policymakers. I am happy to be a part of this project

IZA World of Labor role


Current position

Associate Professor, Vancouver School of Economics, Canada

Research interest

Development economics, economics of gender

Past positions

Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia, Canada


PhD Economics, University of British Columbia, 1999

Selected publications

  • “Missing women: Age and disease.” Review of Economic Studies 77 (October 2010): 1262–1300 (with D. Ray).

  • “The economics of dowry and brideprice.” Journal of Economic Perspectives 21:4 (2007): 151–174.

  • “Why the marriage squeeze cannot cause dowry inflation.” Journal of Economic Theory 137:1 (2007): 140–152.

  • “Why dowry payments declined with modernization in Europe but are rising in India.” Journal of Political Economy 111 (April 2003): 269–310.

  • “The economics of roscas and intra-household resource allocation.” Quarterly Journal of Economics 117 (August 2002): 963–995 (with J.-M. Baland).