See-Yu Chan
University of Warwick
IZA The World of Labor provides a valuable platform that bridges the latest scientific research with policymaking. It is a great channel of communication to the greater audience.
IZA World of Labor role
Current position
PhD Candidate (expected 2025)
Research interest
Wage and inequality, labor market dynamics, technological change
Master of Research, Economics, University of Warwick, 2021
Rethinking the skills gap Updated
Better understanding of skills mismatch is essential to finding effective policy options
Evidence suggests that productivity would be much higher and unemployment much lower if the supply of and demand for skills were better matched. As a result, skills mismatch between workers (supply) and jobs (demand) commands the ongoing attention of policymakers in many countries. Policies intended to address the persistence of skills mismatch focus on the supply side of the issue by emphasizing worker education and training. However, the role of the demand side, that is, employers’ rigid skill requirements, garners comparatively little policy attention.MoreLess