Muriel Dejemeppe

IRES, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium

Our role as academic labor economists is to train students to become responsible and involved actors in tomorrow's job market and to develop high-level scientific research to shed light on the complex issues facing the labor markets. But our role is also to provide a fair return to the society for funding support. By publishing articles in clear and non-technical language in order to reach the largest audience possible, IZA World of Labor is a key channel for transmitting objective evidence to the public debate about labor market policy

IZA World of Labor role


Current position

Professor of Economics, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium

Research interest

Labor economics, microeconometrics, policy evaluation

Positions/functions as a policy advisor

Editor of Regards économiques, a French-speaking journal of popular science in economics (

Past positions

Postdoctoral Researcher of Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS), Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium


PhD Economics, Université catholique de Louvain, 2002

Selected publications

  • "Imperfect monitoring of job search: Structural estimation and policy design." Journal of Labor Economics 36:1 (2018): 75–120 (with B. Cockx, A. Launov, and B. Van der Linden).

  • "Did the intergenerational solidarity pact increase the employment rate of the elderly in Belgium? A macro-econometric evaluation." IZA Journal of Labor Policy 4:17 (2015): 1–23 (with B. Van der Linden and C. Smith).

  • "Monitoring job search effort: An evaluation based on a regression discontinuity design.” Labour Economics 19 (2012): 729–737 (with B. Cockx).

  • "Duration dependence in the exit rate out of unemployment in Belgium. Is it true or spurious?" The Journal of Applied Econometrics 20:1 (2005): 1–23 (with B. Cockx).

  • "A complete decomposition of unemployment dynamics using longitudinal grouped duration data." Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 67:1 (2005): 47–70.