University of Kent, UK, and IZA, Germany
IZA World of Labor role
Current position
Senior Lecturer in Economics, University of Kent
Research interest
Migration and strategic trade policy
Positions/functions as a policy advisor
Consultant, UK Department for International Development, 2009–2010
PhD Economics, University of Exeter, 2003
Selected publications
“Social capital and immigrants' labour market performance.” Papers in Regional Science (Forthcoming).
“Immigrant over- and under-education: The role of home country labour market experience.” IZA Journal of Migration 1:3 (2012) (with M. Tani and F. Vadean).
“Return migration and occupational choice: Evidence from Albania.” World Development 38:8 (2010):1141–1155.
“Remittances, institutions and economic growth.” World Development 37:1 (2009): 81–92 (with N. Catrinescu, M. Leon-Ledesma, A. Miguel, and B. Quillin).
“Self-selection and the performance of return migrants: The source country perspective.” Journal of Population Economics 18:4 (2005):779–807 (with A. de Coulon).
Occupational choice of return migrants
Migrant-sending countries can significantly benefit from the type of occupation chosen by return migrants
Matloob Piracha, October 2015The occupational choice of return migrants is important to their home country. Return migrants are likely to have acquired human capital while abroad, either through formal training or by working in a more efficient labor market. The employment of these newly acquired skills in the home country can have important economic implications. Examining the choice of return migrants to engage in wage employment, self-employment, entrepreneurial activity, or to remain out of the labor market makes it possible to ascertain whether the initial migration decision benefited the home country as well as the migrants and their families.MoreLess