Banque de France, France
IZA World of Labor role
Current position
Economist, Banque de France
Research interest
Development economics, International migration, International trade
Past positions
Economist, CEPII
PhD Economics, CERDI, Université d’Auvergne, 2012
Selected publications
“Remittances and the changing composition of migration.” The World Economy (Forthcoming) (with S. Salomone).
“Determinants and macroeconomic impact of remittances in Sub-Saharan Africa.” Journal of African Economies 20:2 (2011): 312–340 (with M. Haacker, K. Lee, and R. J. Singh).
“Impact des envois de fonds des migrants sur les inégalités de revenu dans les pays en développement.” Revue économique 61:6 (2010): 1051–1074 (with C. Ebeke).
Feminization of migration and trends in remittances
Independent female migrants may be a reliable source of remittances despite the difficulties they encounter in labor markets
Maelan Le Goff, January 2016Migrants’ remittances to developing countries have increased in recent decades, partly due to reduced transactions costs and improved living conditions in host countries. The feminization of international migration represents yet another explanation. Despite the difficulties female migrants encounter in the labor market, their total remittances may be higher and more resilient than those of male migrants, owing to these women’s stronger links to family members left behind and self-insurance motives. Policymakers need to understand how this new and significant upward trend in female migration could affect the economic and social development of home countries.MoreLess