Maelan Le Goff

Banque de France, France

It is very stimulating to contribute to this very innovative publication that strengthens links between research and practitioners. I hope it will be a useful decision-making tool

IZA World of Labor role


Current position

Economist, Banque de France

Research interest

Development economics, International migration, International trade

Past positions

Economist, CEPII


PhD Economics, CERDI, Université d’Auvergne, 2012

Selected publications

  • “Remittances and the changing composition of migration.” The World Economy (Forthcoming) (with S. Salomone).

  • “Determinants and macroeconomic impact of remittances in Sub-Saharan Africa.” Journal of African Economies 20:2 (2011): 312–340 (with M. Haacker, K. Lee, and R. J. Singh).

  • “Impact des envois de fonds des migrants sur les inégalités de revenu dans les pays en développement.” Revue économique 61:6 (2010): 1051–1074 (with C. Ebeke).