Ohio State University, USA, and IZA, Germany
IZA World of Labor role
Current position
Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Ohio State University, USA
Research interest
Health and labor economics
Past positions
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Ohio State University (2013–2019); Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in Health Policy, University of California, Berkeley (2011–2013)
PhD Economics, Cornell University, 2011
Selected publications
"Physician practice organization and negotiated prices: Evidence from state law changes." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 13:2 (2021): 258–296 (with N. Hausman).
"The impacts of restricting mobility of skilled service workers: Evidence from physicians.” Journal of Human Resources 55:3 (2020) (with C. Simon and W. D. White).
“The estimation of compensating wage differentials: Lessons from the deadliest catch.” Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 38:1 (2020).
"Strategic formulary design in Medicare Part D Plans." American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 10:3 (2018) (with K. Simon).
Noncompete agreements in employment contracts
Can regulation ensure that noncompete agreements benefit both workers and firms?
Kurt Lavetti , September 2021Labor market institutions that may weaken workers’ bargaining leverage have received increased scrutiny in recent years. One example is noncompete agreements, which prevent workers from freely moving across employers, potentially weakening earnings growth. New data sources and empirical evidence have led policymakers to consider sharp restrictions on their use, especially among lower-income workers. These restrictions take many different forms, each of which has unique tradeoffs between the desire to protect workers while allowing firms to use noncompetes in cases where they may create social value.MoreLess