Brigham Young University and NBER, USA, and IZA, Germany
IZA World of Labor role
Current position
Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Brigham Young University, USA
Research interest
Family, education, health, and behavioral economics
Past positions
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Brigham Young University, USA (2007–2013)
PhD Economics, Cornell University, 2007
Selected publications
"Productivity spillovers in team production: Evidence from professional basketball." Journal of Labor Economics 35:1 (2016): 191–225 (with P. Arcidiacono and J. Kinsler).
"Habit formation in children: Evidence from incentives for healthy eating." Journal of Health Economics 45 (2016): 47–54 (G. Loewenstein and K. Volpp).
"Lunch, recess and nutrition: Responding to time incentives in the cafeteria." Preventive Medicine 71 (2015): 27–30 (with D. R. Just).
"Sticking with what (barely) worked: A test of outcome bias." Management Science 61:5 (2014): 1121–1136 (with L. Lefgren and B. Platt).
"The role of risk preferences in pay-to-bid auctions." Management Science 59:9 (2013): 2117–2134 (with B. Platt and H. Tappen).
Production spillovers: Are they valued?
Spillovers can contribute to team success, although workers are not compensated for them
Joseph Price, August 2017Workers can contribute to total firm production directly through their own output or indirectly through their influence on the output of co-workers. Workers with positive productivity spillover effects cause individuals around them to perform better and increase overall team production. In contrast to the “peer effects” literature, workers with positive productivity spillovers may not be the workers with the highest levels of personal output. Such productivity spillovers are important for team success even though they play only a minor role in determining worker pay.MoreLess