George S. Naufal

Texas A&M University, USA, and IZA, Germany

This is a fantastic opportunity to bring the latest research on labor issues in a clear and accessible way. The innovative format and speed that IZA World of Labor follows allows a wide range of readers to have instant access to cutting-edge applied research

IZA World of Labor role


Current position

Senior Research Associate, PPRI, Texas A&M University since July 2015; Visiting Lecturer, Cass Business School, City University London (December 2014–December 2015)

Research interest

The impact of remittances on the remitting countries; the effects of social networks on different aspects of the economy, Middle East

Past positions

Associate Professor of Economics, American University of Sharjah (June 2014–August 2014; August 2007–May 2014)


PhD Economics, Texas A&M University, 2007

Selected publications

  • “A tacit monetary policy of the Gulf countries: Is there a remittances channel?” Review of Development Economics (Forthcoming) (with A. Termos and I. Genc).

  • “Structural change in MENA remittance flows.” Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (Forthcoming) (with I. Genc).

  • “Remittance outflows and inflation: The case of the GCC countries” Economics Letters 120:1 (2013): 45–47 (with A. Termos and I. Genc).

  • “The macroeconomic consequences of remittances.” ISRN Economics (2012) (with D. Jansen and D. Vacaflores).

  • “Labor migration and remittances in the GCC.” Labor History 52:3 (2011): 307–322.