Ernesto Villanueva

Banco de España, Spain

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IZA World of Labor role


Current position

Head of Microeconomic Studies Division, Structural Analysis and Micro Studies Department, Banco de España, Spain

Research interest

Labor economics, saving and borrowing

Past positions

Economist, Research Department, Banco de España, Spain (2005–2018); Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain (2000–2005)


PhD Economics, Northwestern University, 2000

Selected publications

  • "Wage determination and the bite of collective contracts in Italy and Spain." Labour Economics (2022) (with E. Adamopoulou).

  • "Task specialization and cognitive skills: Evidence from PIAAC and IALS." Review of Economics of the Household (2021) (joint with M. Martínez-Matute).

  • "The response of household wealth to the risk of job loss: Evidence from differences in severance payments." Labour Economics Volume 39 (2016): 35–54 (with C. Barceló).

  • “Does high cost of mortgage debt explain why young adults live with their parents?” Journal of the European Economic Association 7:5 (2009): 974–1010.

  • “Estimating compensating wage differentials using voluntary job changes: Evidence from Germany.” The Industrial and Labor Relations Review 60:4 (2007): 547–561.