Deakin University, Australia, and IZA, Germany
IZA World of Labor role
Current position
Chair in Economics, Deakin University
Research interest
Aid effectiveness, meta-regression analysis, public choice, political economy, development economics, transition economies, fiscal interactions, minimum wage, inequality
Past positions
Economics Discipline Leader, 2012–2014; Associate Head of School (Research), 2004–2006
PhD Economics, Monash University, 1996
Selected publications
“The power of bias in economics research.” The Economic Journal (Forthcoming) (with J. P. A. Ioannidis and T. D. Stanley).
The Economics of Trade Unions: A Study of a Research Field and its Findings. Oxford: Routledge, 2017 (with R. B. Freeman and P. Laroche).
“Neither fixed nor random: Weighted least squares meta-analysis.” Statistics in Medicine 34:13 (2015): 2116–2127 (with T. D. Stanley).
Meta-Regression Analysis in Economics and Business. Oxford: Routledge, 2012 (with T. D. Stanley).
Meta-regression analysis: Producing credible estimates from diverse evidence
Meta-regression methods can be used to develop evidence-based policies when the evidence base lacks credibility
Chris Doucouliagos, November 2016Good policy requires reliable scientific knowledge, but there are many obstacles. Most econometric estimates lack adequate statistical power; some estimates cannot be replicated; publication selection bias (the selective reporting of results) is common; and there is wide variation in the evidence base on most policy issues. Meta-regression analysis offers a way to increase statistical power, correct the evidence base for a range of biases, and make sense of the unceasing flow of contradictory econometric estimates. It enables policymakers to develop evidence-based policies even when the initial evidence base lacks credibility.MoreLess