Universidad de los Andes and Centre for Economics Performance (LSE), Chile
IZA World of Labor role
Current position
Assistant Professor at the School of Business and Economics, Universidad de Los Andes, Chile
Research interest
Labor economics, public economics, economics of education
Past positions
Postdoc Fellow, Department of Economics, MIT; Senior Researcher, VATT Institute for Economic Research
PhD Economics, LSE, 2019
Selected publications
"Neighbors' effects on university enrollment." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 14:3 (2022): 30–60.
"O brother, where start thou? Sibling spillovers on college and major choice in four countries." The Quarterly Journal of Economics 136:3 (2021): 1831–1886 (with A. Altmejd, M. Drlje, J. Goodman, M. Hurwitz, D. Kovac, C. Mulhern, C. Neilson, and J. Smith).
"It's time to learn: School institutions and returns to instruction time." Economics of Education Review 80 (2021) (with G.Bovini).
"Elite universities and the intergenerational transmission of human and social capital." (with C. Neilson and S. Zimmerman).
"Recidivism and neighborhood institutions: Evidence from the rise of the Pentecostal Church in Chile." R&R Journal of Labor Economics (with J. Garcia-Hombrados).
Instruction time and educational outcomes
The quality of instruction and the activities it replaces determine the success of increased instruction time
Andrés Barrios Fernández, July 2023Increasing instruction time might seem a simple way to improve students' outcomes. However, there is substantial variation in its effects reported in the literature. When focusing on school day extensions, some studies find no effects, while others find that an additional hour of daily instruction significantly improves test scores. A similar pattern arises when examining the effect of additional days of class. These mixed findings likely reflect differences in the quality of instruction or in the activities that are being replaced by additional instruction. Hence these elements need to be considered when designing policies that increase instruction time.MoreLess