University of Freiburg, Germany
IZA World of Labor role
Current position
Associate Professor of Economics, University of Freiburg
Research interest
Labor economics
Past positions
IZA Director of Labor Policy, Germany (2014–2016); Director at Randstad, Germany (2007–2014); ZEW Head of Department Labor Markets (2002–2007)
Habilitation, University of Freiburg, 1999
Selected publications
"Plädoyer für ein Investitionsprogramm gegen Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit." Wirtschaftsdienst 95:4 (2015).
"Das Mindestlohngesetz — Hoffnungen und Befürchtungen." Wirtschaftsdienst 94:6 (2014): 387–406 (with J. Möller et al).
"Die Demografiestrategie der Bundesregierung — ein Weg zu mehr Wohlstand?" Wirtschaftsdienst 93:3 (2013): 165–169.
"Deregulating job placement in Europe: A microeconometric evaluation of an innovative voucher scheme in Germany." Labour Economics 13:4 (2006): 505–517 (with H. Winterhager and A. Heinze).
"Reforming long-term care in Germany." Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics 142:V (2006): 37–42 (with M. Arntz and J. Michaelis).
How can temporary work agencies provide more training?
Staffing agencies could play a more prominent role in the provision of training for the low qualified and previously unemployed
Alexander Spermann, April 2016Temporary work agencies use training as a recruitment and retention argument when qualified labor is scarce. However, short job assignments present a major obstacle for employers and employees to increase investment in training. As temporary agency workers are mainly low-qualified and often previously unemployed, paid work in combination with training should lead to more sustainable employment. Adjustments in labor market institutions could make the provision of training more attractive for both staffing agencies and temporary agency workers.MoreLess