Cornell University, USA, and IZA, Germany
IZA World of Labor role
Author, Topic spokesperson
Wage inequality, Gender pay gap, Women’s labor supply, Immigrant assimilation, Sports labor markets, Employment protection
United States
English - Native speaker
Media experience
Print, Radio
1 6072550510
Current position
Braunstein Family Professor and Professor of Economics, ILR School, Cornell University, USA
Past positions
Research Fellow, National Centre for Econometric Research, Australia, 2008; Visiting Fellow, Department of Economics, Princeton University, 2005–2006; Visiting Scholar, Russell Sage Foundation, 1999–2000
PhD Economics, University of California, Berkeley, 1975
Selected publications
“Female labor supply: Why is the US falling behind?” American Economic Review 103:3 (2013): 251–256 (with F. D. Blau).
“Gender, source country characteristics and labor market assimilation among immigrants: 1980-2000.” The Review of Economics and Statistics 93:1 (2011): 43–58 (with F. D. Blau and K. L. Papps).
“The impact of employment protection mandates on demographic temporary employment patterns: International microeconomic evidence.” The Economic Journal 117:521 (2007): F333–F356.
“Collective bargaining and the interindustry wage structure: International evidence.” Economica 65:260 (1998): 507–534.
"International differences in male wage inequality: Institutions versus market forces." Journal of Political Economy 104:4 (1996): 791–837 (with F. D. Blau).
Wage compression and the gender pay gap
Wage-setting institutions narrow the gender pay gap but may reduce employment for some women
Lawrence M. Kahn, April 2015There are large international differences in the gender pay gap. In some developed countries in 2010–2012, women were close to earnings parity with men, while in others large gaps remained. Since women and men have different average levels of education and experience and commonly work in different industries and occupations, multiple factors can influence the gender pay gap. Among them are skill supply and demand, unions, and minimum wages, which influence the economywide wage returns to education, experience, and occupational wage differentials. Systems of wage compression narrow the gender pay gap but may also lower demand for female workers.MoreLess