Università Cattolica, Italy, and IZA, Germany
IZA World of Labor role
Author, Topic spokesperson
Labor economics, Economics of unions, Industrial relations, Wages and inequality, Public–private sector: wages, Public–private sector: employment, Low-wage employment, Working poor, Minimum wages, Education economics, Health economics, Workers’ health and safety, Job quality
Italian - Native speaker, English - Non-native speaker, French - Non-native speaker, Spanish - Non-native speaker
Media experience
39 0272342515
Current position
Professor of Economics, Università Cattolica, Italy
Positions/functions as a policy advisor
Consultant for ISFOL, Italian Ministry of Labor and Equal Opportunities; CNEL, Employment and Labor Agency
Past positions
Associate Professor, Political Economy, Università Cattolica (Piacenza), 1999–2000; Associate Professor, Political Economy, Università degli studi di Palermo, 1998–1999
PhD Economics, University of Warwick, 1991
Selected publications
“Paying for Performance: Incentive Pay Schemes and Employees’ Financial Participation.” In: Boeri, T., C. Lucifora, and K. Murphy. Executive Remuneration and Employee Performance-Related Pay. Oxford University Press, 2013 (with A. Bryson, R. Freeman, M. Pellizzari, and V. Pérotin).
“Cheating and Social Interactions. Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in a National Evaluation Program.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2014) (with M. Tonello).
“Performance-Related Pay and Firm Productivity: Evidence from a Reform in the Structure of Collective Bargaining.” Industrial and Labor Relations Review 68:3 (2001): 606–632 (with F. Origo).
"The Effect of Comprehensive Smoking Bans in European Workplaces." Forum for Health Economics & Policy 16:1 (2013): 1–27 (with F. Origo).
"Mental Health and Working Conditions in European Countries." Industrial and Labor Relations Review 66:4 (2013) (with E. Cottini).
Performance-related pay and productivity Updated
Do performance-related pay and financial participation schemes have an effect on firms’ performance?
Claudio LuciforaFederica Origo, January 2022A growing number of firms offer compensation packages that link pay to performance. The aim is to motivate workers to be more efficient while also increasing their attachment to the company, thereby reducing turnover and absenteeism. The effects of performance-related pay on productivity depend on the scheme type and design, with individual incentives showing the largest effect. Governments often offer tax breaks and financial incentives to promote performance-related pay, though their desirability has been questioned due to large deadweight losses involved. The diffusion of remote work will increase the relevance of performance-related pay.MoreLess