Paris School of Economics–CNRS, France, and IZA, Germany
IZA World of Labor role
Author, Topic spokesperson
Satisfaction at work, Well-being
English - Native speaker, French - Non-native speaker
Media experience
Print, Digital, Radio
33 143136329
Current position
CNRS Research Professor, Paris School of Economics, France
Positions/functions as a policy advisor
Oral evidence to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Wellbeing Economics, London, and to the Conseil économique, social et environnemental, Paris
Past positions
CNRS Research Professor, Paris School of Economics; Consultant, OECD; Assistant Professor, Dartmouth College
PhD Economics, London School of Economics, 1989
Selected publications
“Satisfaction and comparison income.” Journal of Public Economics 61 (1996): 359–381 (with A. Oswald).
“Unemployment as a social norm: Psychological evidence from panel data.” Journal of Labor Economics 21 (2003): 323–351.
“Re-examining adaptation and the setpoint model of happiness: Reaction to changes in marital status.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 84 (2003): 527–539 (with R. Lucas, Y. Georgellis, and E. Diener).
“Relative income, happiness and utility: An explanation for the Easterlin Paradox and other puzzles.” Journal of Economic Literature 46 (2008): 95–144 (with P. Frijters and M. Shields).
“Attitudes to income inequality: Experimental and survey evidence.” In: Atkinson, A., and F. Bourguignon (eds). Elsevier Handbook of Income Distribution, Volume 2A, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2015; pp. 1147–1208 (with C. D’Ambrosio).
What makes a good job? Job quality and job satisfaction
Job satisfaction is important to well-being, but intervention may be needed only if markets are impeded from improving job quality
Andrew E. Clark, December 2015Many measures of job satisfaction have been trending downward. Because jobs are a key part of most people’s lives, knowing what makes a good job (job quality) is vital to knowing how well society is doing. Integral to worker well-being, job quality also affects the labor market through related decisions on whether to work, whether to quit, and how much effort to put into a job. Empirical work on what constitutes a good job finds that workers value more than wages; they also value job security and interest in their work. Policy to affect job quality requires information on the cost of the different aspects of job quality and how much workers value them.MoreLess