Higher School of Economics, National Research University, Russian Federation, and IZA, Germany
IZA World of Labor role
Current position
Senior Research Associate and Deputy Director for “Labor Markets in Emerging and Transition Economies,” Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Germany; Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, Graduate School of Management, St Petersburg State University, Russian Federation
Research interest
Labor economics, corporate governance, economics of transition, and applied microeconometrics
Past positions
Research Associate, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), October 2008–September 2011; Senior Research Associate, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), March 2008–October 2008; Lecturer in Economics, School of Management, St Petersburg State University, Russia, October 1998–August 2002
PhD Economics, European University Institute (Florence), 2007
Selected publications
“The wage and non-wage costs of displacement in boom times: Evidence from Russia.” Journal of Comparative Economics 41:4 (2013): 1184–1201 (with H. Lehmann, T. Razzolini, and A. Zaiceva).
“Investor protection and the value of shares: Evidence from statutory rules governing variations of shareholders’ class rights in an emerging market.” Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 29:6 (2013): 1344–1383.
“Youth unemployment and vocational training.” Foundations and Trends in Microeconomics 9:1–2 (2013): 1–157 (with K. F. Zimmermann, C. Biavaschi, W. Eichhorst, C. Giulietti, M. J. Kendzia, J. Pieters, N. Rodríguez-Planas, and R. Schmidl).
“How important are labor market institutions for labor market performance in transition countries?” Economics of Transition 20:2 (2012): 235–269 (with H. Lehmann).
“Entrepreneurs’ gender and financial constraints: Evidence from international data.” Journal of Comparative Economics 37:2 (2009): 270–286 (with O. Talavera and D. Schäfer).
Employment protection legislation in transition and emerging markets
Although market failures mean employment protection is necessary, excessive protection can be counterproductive
Alexander Muravyev, September 2014Employment protection legislation aims to shield employees against unfair dismissal and earning reductions at the time of job loss. Theory suggests that employment protection stabilizes employment over cyclical upturns and downturns without necessarily increasing general unemployment. However, recent evidence from transition and emerging economies shows that employment protection legislation tends to raise unemployment among disadvantaged groups, particularly youth, and may increase informal work. Employment protection policies thus require careful consideration of their unintended effects.MoreLess