References for Why does unemployment differ for immigrants?
Further reading
- Cerveny, J., Van Ours, J. "Unemployment of non-western immigrants in the Great Recession" De Economist 161:4 (2013): 463–480.
- Liu, C. Y., Edwards, J. "Immigrant employment through the Great Recession: Individual characteristics and metropolitan contexts" The Social Science Journal 52:3 (2015): 405–414.
Key references
Antecol, H., Kuhn, P., Trejo, S. J. "Assimilation via
prices or quantities? Sources of immigrant earnings growth in
Australia, Canada and the United States" Journal of Human
Resources 41:4 (2006): 821–840. Key reference: [1]
De Giorgi, G., Pellizzari, M. "Welfare migration
in Europe" Labour
Economics 16:4 (2009): 353–363. Key reference: [2]
Dustmann, C., Frattini, T., Preston, I. "The effect of
immigration along the distribution of wages" Review of Economic
Studies 80:1 (2013): 145–173. Key reference: [3]
Belot, M., Hatton, T. J. "Immigration
selection in the OECD" Scandinavian
Journal of Economics 114:4 (2012): 1105–1128. Key reference: [4]
Dustmann, C., Glitz, A., Vogel, T. "Employment, wages,
and the economic cycle: Differences between immigrants and
natives" European Economic
Review 54:1 (2010): 1–17. Key reference: [5]
Clark, K., Drinkwater, S. "Enclaves,
neighbourhood effects and employment outcomes: Ethnic minorities
in England and Wales" Journal of
Population Economics 15:1 (2002): 5–29. Key reference: [6]
Friedberg, R. "You can’t take it
with you? Immigrant assimilation and the portability of human
capital" Journal of Labor
Economics 18:2 (2000): 221–252. Key reference: [7]
Orrenius, P. M., Zavodny, M. "Mexican immigrant
employment outcomes over the business cycle" American Economic
Review: Papers and Proceedings 100:2 (2010): 316–320. Key reference: [8]
Schaafsma, J., Sweetman, A. "Immigrant
earnings: Age at immigration matters" Canadian Journal
of Economics 34:4 (2001): 1066–1099. Key reference: [9]
Chiswick, B., Cohen, Y., Zach, T. "The labor market
status of immigrants: Effects of the unemployment rate at
arrival and duration of residence" Industrial and
Labor Relations Review 50:2 (1997): 289–303. Key reference: [10]
Casey, T., Dustmann, C. "Immigrants’
identity, economic outcomes and the transmission of identity
across generations" Economic
Journal 120:542 (2010): F31–F51. Key reference: [11]
Uhlendorff, A., Zimmermann, K. F. "Unemployment
dynamics among migrants and natives" Economica 81:322 (2014): 348–367. Key reference: [12]
Heath, A., Li, Y. Review of the
Relationship between Religion and Poverty—An Analysis for the
Joseph Rowntree Foundation Centre for
Social Investigation Working
Paper No.1, 2015. Key reference: [13]
Antecol, H., Kuhn, P., Trejo, S. J. "Assimilation via
prices or quantities? Sources of immigrant earnings growth in
Australia, Canada and the United States" Journal of Human
Resources 41:4 (2006): 821–840.
Additional References