References for Wage policies in the public sector during wholesale privatization
Further reading
- Disney, R. F., Gosling, A. A New Method for Estimating Public Sector Pay “Premia”: Evidence from Britain in the 1990s. Centre for Economic Policy Research Discussion Paper No.3787, 2003-02.
- Nikolic, J., Tomić, I., Rubil, I. "Pre-crisis reforms, austerity measures and the public–private wage gap in two emerging economies." Economic Systems 41:2 (2017): 248–265.
Key references
Lausev, J. Public–Private
Earnings Differentials during Economic Transition in
Hungary Budapest
Working Papers on the Labour
Market No.BWP-201/2, 2012. Key reference: [1]
Gorodnichenko, Y., Peter, K. S. "Public sector pay
and corruption: Measuring bribery from micro data." Journal of Public
Economics 91:5–6 (2007): 963–991. Key reference: [2]
Newell, A., Socha, M. W. The Polish Wage
Inequality Explosion IZA Discussion
Paper No.2644, 2007. Key reference: [3]
Nikolic, J. "Effect of
large-scale privatization on public sector pay gap in a
transition economy." Economics of
Transition 22:4 (2014): 759–781. Key reference: [4]
Lausev, J. "What has twenty
years of public–private pay gap literature told us? Eastern
European transitioning vs. developed economies." Journal of
Economic Survey 28:3 (2014): 516–550. Key reference: [5]
Adamchik, V. A., Bedi, A. S. "Wage differentials
between the public and the private sectors: Evidence from an
economy in transition." Labour
Economics 7:2 (2000): 203–224. Key reference: [6]
Jovanovic, B., Lokshin, M. M. "Wage differentials
and state–private sector employment choice in
Yugoslavia." Economics of
Transition 11:3 (2003): 463–491. Key reference: [7]
Telegdy, À. "The effect of the
public sector wage increase on the public–private relative
wages." In: Galasi, P., Kézdi, G. (eds). The Hungarian
Labour Market 2006. Budapest: Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of
Sciences, Hungarian Employment Foundation, 2006. Key reference: [8]
Leping, K. -O. "Evolution of the
public–private sector wage differential during transition in
Estonia." Post-Communist
Economies 18:4 (2006): 419–436. Key reference: [9]
Gimpelson, V., Lukiyanova, A., Sharunina, A. Estimating the
Public–Private Wage Gap in Russia: What Does Quantile Regression
Tell Us? National Research
University Higher School of Economics Basic Research Program
Working Papers
Series No.104/EC, 2015. Key reference: [10]
Lausev, J. "Public sector pay
gap in Serbia during large-scale privatisation, by educational
qualification." Economic
Annals LVII:192 (2012): 7–24. Key reference: [11]
Lausev, J. "The effect of
austerity measures on public–private sector wage gap in
Hungary." Global Crisis to
Economic Growth: Which Way to Take?. Belgrade: University of Belgrade, 2012. Key reference: [12]
De Castro, F., Salto, M., Steiner, H. The Gap Between
Public and Private Wages: New Evidence for the EU European Economy
Economic Papers No.508, 2013-10. Key reference: [13]
Lausev, J. Public–Private
Earnings Differentials during Economic Transition in
Hungary Budapest
Working Papers on the Labour
Market No.BWP-201/2, 2012.
Additional References
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- Boeri, T., Terrell, K. "Institutional determinants of labor reallocation in transition." Journal of Economic Perspectives 16:1 (2002): 51–76.
- Brainerd, E. "Five years after: The impact of mass privatization on wages in Russia, 1993–1998." Journal of Comparative Economics 30:1 (2002): 160–190.
- Brown, J. D., Earle, J. S., Telegdy, Á. "Employment and wage effects of privatisation: Evidence from Hungary, Romania, Russia, and Ukraine." Economic Journal 120:545 (2010): 683–708.
- Christofides, L. N., Michael, M. "Exploring the public–private sector wage gap in European countries." IZA Journal of European Labor Studies 2:15 (2013).
- Disney, R., Lausev, J. Monopsony with Heterogeneous Labour: Evidence from Economic Transition. University of Nottingham School of Economics Discussion Paper Series, 2011.
- Earle, J. S., Sabirianova, K. Z. "How late to pay? Understanding wage arrears in Russia." Journal of Labor Economics 20:3 (2002): 661–707.
- Faggio, G., Overman, H. "The effect of public sector employment on local labour markets." Journal of Urban Economics 79:C (2014): 91–107.
- Gabrisch, H., Hölscher, J. The Successes and Failures of Economic Transition: The European Experience. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
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- IMF Managing Government Compensation and Employment–Institutions, Policies, and Reform Challenges IMF Policy Paper, 2016.
- Jovanovic, B., Lokshin, M. "Wage differentials between the state and private sectors in Moscow." Review of Income and Wealth 50:1 (2004): 107–123.
- Jurajda, Š., Terrell, K. "Job growth in early transition: Comparing two paths." Economics of Transition 11:2 (2003): 291–320.
- Kertesi, G., Köllö, J. "Economic transformation and the revaluation of human capital–Hungary, 1986–1999." In: de Grip, A., van Loo, J., Mayhew, K. (eds). The Economics of Skills Obsolescence: A Review. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, 2002.
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- Nickell, S., Quintini, C. "The consequences of the decline in public sector pay in Britain: A little bit of evidence." Economic Journal 112:477 (2002): F107–F118.
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