References for Upgrading technology in Central and Eastern European economies
Further reading
- Dulleck, U., Foster-McGregor, N., Stehrer, R., Wörz, J. Dimension of Quality Upgrading in CEECs Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WWIW) Working Paper No.29, 2004.
- Radosevic, S., Kaderabkova, A. (eds). Challenges for European Innovation Policy Cohesion and Excellence from a Schumpeterian Perspective. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2011.
Key references
Kravtsova, V., Radosevic, S. "Are systems of innovation in
Eastern Europe efficient?" Economic Systems 36:1 (2012): 109−126. Key reference: [1]
Radosevic, S., Yoruk, E. A New Metrics of Technology
Upgrading: The Central and East European Countries in a Comparative
Perspective UCL Centre for Comparative
Studies of Emerging Economies Working Paper
Series No.2, 2016. Key reference: [2]
IMF IMF Multi-Country Report
German-Central European Supply Chain—Cluster Report IMF Country
Report No.13/263, 2013-08. Key reference: [3]
Ernst, D. "Catching-up, crisis and industrial
upgrading. Evolutionary aspects of technological learning in Korea’s electronics
industry" Asia Pacific Journal of
Management 15:2 (1998): 247–283. Key reference: [4]
Gereffi, G. "International trade and industrial
upgrading in the apparel commodity chain" Journal of International
Economics 48:1 (1999): 37−70. Key reference: [5]
EBRD Innovation in Transition. London: EBRD, 2014. Key reference: [6]
Radosevic, S., Ciampi
Stancova, K. "Internationalising smart
specialisation: Assessment and issues in the case of EU new member states" Journal of the Knowledge
Economy (2015). Key reference: [7]
Radosevic, S. "The role of public research in
economic development" EC. Science, Research and
Innovation Performance of the EU. Brussels: DG for Research and Innovation, European Commission, 2016. Key reference: [8]
Radosevic, S. (ed). Synthesis Report: WP3. Innovation,
Entrepreneurship and Industrial Dynamics GRINCOH Working Paper Series
Paper No.3, 2015. Key reference: [9]
Leitner, S. M., Stehrer, R. Trade Integration, Production
Fragmentation and Performance in Europe—Blessing or Curse? The Vienna Institute for
International Economic Studies, GRINCOH Project, 2014. Key reference: [10]
Izsak, K., Markianidou, P., Radosevic, S. "Convergence of national innovation
policy mixes in Europe—Has it gone too far? An analysis of research and innovation
policy measures in the period 2004–12" Journal of Common Market
Studies 53:4 (2015): 786–802. Key reference: [11]
Narula, R., Guimón, J. The Contribution of Multinational
Enterprises to the Upgrading of National Innovation Systems in the EU New Member
States: Policy Implications. Paris: OECD, 2009. Key reference: [12]
Radosevic, S., Yoruk, E. "Why do we need theory and metrics
of technology upgrading?" Asian Journal of Technology
Innovation 24:S1 (2016): 8–32. Key reference: [13]
Kravtsova, V., Radosevic, S. "Are systems of innovation in
Eastern Europe efficient?" Economic Systems 36:1 (2012): 109−126.