Further reading
- Huisman, J., de Boer, H., Dill, D., Souto-Otero, M. The Palgrave International Handbook of Higher Education Policy and Governance. Basingstoke: Palgrave McMillan, 2015.
- Ritzen, J., Marconi, G., Sasso, S. University Policy Needs to Beef up for Europe to be More Innovative. Bunde: Empower European Universities, 2014.
Key references
Estermann, T., Nokkala, T., Monika
Steinel, M. University Autonomy in Europe II, The
Scorecard. Geneva: European University Association, 2011. Key reference: [1]
Aghion, P., Dewatripont, M., Hoxby, C., Mas-Colell, A., Sapir, A. The Governance and Performance of Research
Universities: Evidence from Europe and the US National Bureau of Economic
Research Working Paper No.14851, 2009. Key reference: [2]
Hoareau, C., Ritzen, J., Marconi, G. "Higher education and economic innovation,
a European-wide comparison" IZA Journal of European Labor
Studies 2:24 (2013). Key reference: [3]
Levy, F., Murnane, R. The New Division of Labor: How Computers
are Creating the Next Job Market. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2005. Key reference: [4]
CHEPS, INCHER and NIFU-STEPS Progress in Higher Education Reform across
Europe: Governance Reform. Brussels: European Commission, 2008. Key reference: [5]
Volkwein, J. F. "Campus autonomy and its relationship to
measures of university quality" The Journal of Higher Education 57:5 (1986): 510–528. Key reference: [6]
Marconi, G., Ritzen, J. "Determinants of international university
rankings scores" Applied Economics 47:57 (2015): 6211–6227. Key reference: [7]
Acemoglu, D. "Technological change, inequality and the
labor market" Journal of Economic Literature 40:1 (2002): 7–72. Key reference: [8]
Hanushek, E., Woessman, L. "Do better schools lead to more growth?
Cognitive skills, economic outcomes and causation" Journal of Economic Growth 17:4 (2012): 267–321. Key reference: [9]
OECD School Governance, Assessments and
Accountability. Paris: OECD, 2013. Key reference: [10]
Estermann, T., Nokkala, T., Monika
Steinel, M. University Autonomy in Europe II, The
Scorecard. Geneva: European University Association, 2011.
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