References for Temperature, productivity, and income
Further reading
Key references
Hancock, P. A., Ross, J. M., Szalma, J. L. "A meta-analysis of
performance response under thermal stressors" Human
Factors 49:5 (2007): 851–877. Key reference: [1]
Chang, T. Y., Kajackaite, A. "Battle for the
thermostat: Gender and the effect of temperature on cognitive
performance" PloS One 14:5 (2019). Key reference: [2]
Park, R. J., Goodman, J., Hurwitz, M., Smith, J. "Heat and
learning" American Economic
Journal: Economic Policy 12:2 (2020): 306–339. Key reference: [3]
Dell, M., Jones, B. F., Olken, B. A. "Temperature shocks
and economic growth: Evidence from the last half century" American Economic
Journal: Macroeconomics 4:3 (2012): 66–95. Key reference: [4]
Newell, R. G., Prest, B. C., Sexton, S. E. "The
GDP–temperature relationship: Implications for climate change
damages" Journal of
Environmental Economics and Management (2021). Key reference: [5]
Burke, M., Hsiang, S. M., Miguel, E. "Global non-linear
effect of temperature on economic production" Nature 527 (2015): 235–239. Key reference: [6]
Burke, M., Tanutama, V. Climatic
Constraints on Aggregate Economic Output NBER Working
Paper No.25779, 2019. Key reference: [7]
Colacito, R., Hoffmann, B., Phan, T. "Temperatures and
growth: A panel analysis of the United States" Journal of Money,
Credit, and Banking 51:2–3 (2018): 313–368. Key reference: [8]
Kalkuhl, M., Wenz, L. "The impact of
climate conditions on economic production. Evidence from a
global panel of regions" Journal of
Environmental Economics and Management (2020). Key reference: [9]
Zhang, P., Deschenes, O., Meng, K., Zhang, J. "Temperature
effects on productivity and factor reallocation: Evidence from a
half million Chinese manufacturing plants" Journal of
Environmental Economics and Management 88 (2018): 1–17. Key reference: [10]
Somanathan, E., Somanathan, R., Sudarshan, A., Tewari, M. "The impact of
temperature on productivity and labour supply: Evidence from
Indian manufacturing" Journal of
Political Economy 129:6 (2021): 1797–1827. Key reference: [11]
Hsiang, S. M., Jina, A. S. The Causal Effect
of Environmental Catastrophe on Long-run Economic Growth:
Evidence from 6,700 Cyclones NBER Working
Paper No.20352, 2014. Key reference: [12]
Barreca, A., Clay, K., Deschenes, O., Greenstone, M., Shapiro, J. S. "Adapting to
climate change: The remarkable decline in the US
temperature-mortality relationship over the twentieth
century" Journal of
Political Economy 124:1 (2016): 105–159. Key reference: [13]
Hancock, P. A., Ross, J. M., Szalma, J. L. "A meta-analysis of
performance response under thermal stressors" Human
Factors 49:5 (2007): 851–877.