References for Skill-based immigration, economic integration, and economic performance
Further reading
- Aydemir, A. "Skill based immigrant selection and labor market outcomes by visa category" In: Constant, A. F., Zimmermann, K. F. (eds). International Handbook on the Economics of Migration. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2013.
- Green, A. G., Green, D. A. "The economic goals of Canada’s immigration policy: Past and present" Canadian Public Policy 25:4 (1999): 426–451.
Key references
Aydemir, A., Borjas, G. J. "Cross-country
variation in the impact of international migration: Canada,
Mexico, and the United States" Journal of the
European Economic Association 5:4 (2007): 663–708. Key reference: [1]
Cobb-Clark, D. "Do selection
criteria make a difference? Visa category and the labour market
status of immigrants to Australia" Economic
Record 76:232 (2000): 15–31. Key reference: [2]
Aydemir, A. "Immigrant selection
and short-term labour market outcomes by visa category" Journal of
Population Economics 24 (2011): 451–475. Key reference: [3]
Jasso, G., Rosenzweig, M. R. "Do immigrants
screened for skills do better than family reunification
immigrants?" International
Migration Review 29:1 (1995): 85–111. Key reference: [4]
De Silva, A. "Earnings of
immigrant classes in the early 1980s in Canada: A
reexamination" Canadian Public
Policy 23:2 (1997): 179–202. Key reference: [5]
Abbott, M. G., Beach, C. M. Do Admission
Criteria and Economic Recessions Affect Immigrant
Earnings?. Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy, 2011. Key reference: [6]
Marr, B., Siklos, P. "Immigrant class and
the use of unemployment insurance by recent immigrants in
Canada: Evidence from a new data base, 1980 to 1995" International
Migration Review 33:3 (1999): 561–593. Key reference: [7]
Duleep, H. O., Regets, M. C. "Admission criteria
and immigrant earnings profiles" International
Migration Review 30:2 (1996): 571–590. Key reference: [8]
Storesletten, K. "Sustaining fiscal
policy through immigration" Journal of
Political Economy 108:2 (2000): 300–324. Key reference: [9]
Hunt, J., Gauthier-Loiselle, M. "How much does
immigration boost innovation?" American Economic
Journal: Macroeconomics 2:2 (2010): 31–56. Key reference: [10]
Aydemir, A., Borjas, G. J. "Cross-country
variation in the impact of international migration: Canada,
Mexico, and the United States" Journal of the
European Economic Association 5:4 (2007): 663–708.
Additional References
- Barrett, A. "The effect of immigrant admission criteria on immigrant labour-market characteristics" Population Research and Policy Review 17:5 (1998): 439–456.
- Beach, C., Green, A. G., Worswick, C. "Impacts of the point system and immigration policy levers on skill characteristics of Canadian immigrants" Research in Labor Economics 27 (2008): 349–401.
- Chiswick, B. R., Lee, Y. L., Miller, P. W. "Immigrants’ language skills and visa category" International Migration Review 40:2 (2006): 419–450.
- Constant, A. F., Zimmermann, K. F. Legal Status at Entry, Economic Performance, and Self Employment Proclivity: A Bi-national Study of Immigrants IZA Discussion Paper, 2005.
- Constant, A. F., Zimmermann, K. F. "Immigrant performance and selective immigration policy: A European perspective" National Institute Economic Review 194:1 (2005): 94–105.
- Hawthorne, L. Labour Market Outcomes for Migrant Professionals: Canada and Australia Compared. Ottawa: Citizenship and Immigration Canada Final Report, 2007.
- Li, P. S. "Initial earnings and catch-up capacity of immigrants" Canadian Public Policy 29:3 (2003): 319–337.
- Miller, P. W. "Immigration policy and immigrant quality: The Australian point system" American Economic Review 89:2 (1999): 192–197.
- Rodríguez-Planas, N. "Moroccans’ assimilation in Spain: Family-based versus labor-based migration" Middle East Development Journal 3:2 (2011): 119–139.
- Sweetman, A., Warman, C. "Canada’s immigration selection system and labour market outcomes" Canadian Public Policy 39 (2013): S141–S164.
- Wanner, R. A. "Entry class and the earnings attainment of immigrants to Canada, 1980–1995" Canadian Public Policy 29:1 (2003): 53–71.
- Wooden, M. "The experience of refugees in the Australian labour market" International Migration Review 35:3 (1991): 514–535.