References for Rethinking the skills gap
Further reading
- Cappelli, P. Why Good People Can’t Get Jobs: The Skills Gap and What Companies Can Do About It. Philadelphia, PA: Wharton Digital Press, 2012.
- Handel, M., Valerio, A., Sanchez Puerta, M. L. Accounting for Mismatch in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Measurement, Magnitudes, and Explanations. Washington, DC: World Bank Group, 2016.
Key references
Herz, B., van
Rens, T. Accounting for
Mismatch Unemployment. The Warwick
Economics Research Paper Series
(TWERPS) No.1061, 2015. Key reference: [1]
Fichen, A., Pellizzari, M. "A new measure of
skills mismatch: Theory and evidence from the survey of adult
skills (PIAAC)." IZA Journal of
Labour Economics 6:1 (2017). Key reference: [2]
Adalet McGowan, M., Andrews, D. Labour Market
Mismatch and Labour Productivity: Evidence from PIAAC
Data. OECD Economics
Department Working
Paper No.1209, 2015. Key reference: [3]
Leuven, E., Oosterbeek, H. "Overeducation and
mismatch in the labour market." In: Hanushek, E., Welch, F. (eds). Handbook of the
Economics of Education. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Science, 2011. Key reference: [4]
Guvenen, F., Kuruscu, B., Tanaka, S., Wiczer, D. Multidimensional
Skill Mismatch. Federal Reserve
Bank of Minneapolis Research Department Working
Paper No.729, 2015-09. Key reference: [5]
Hsieh, C. -T., Klenow, P. J. "Misallocation and
manufacturing TFP in China and India." Quarterly Journal
of Economics 124:4 (2009): 1403–1448. Key reference: [6]
Şahin, A., Song, J., Topa, G., Violante, G. L. "Mismatch
unemployment." American Economic
Review 104:11 (2014): 3529–3564. Key reference: [7]
Marinescu, I., Rathelot, R. "Mismatch
unemployment and the geography of job search." American Economic
Journal: Macroeconomics (Forthcoming). Key reference: [8]
Manning, A., Petrongolo, B. "How local are
labor markets? Evidence from a spatial job search model." American Economic
Review 107:10 (Forthcoming): 2877–2907. Key reference: [9]
Kocherlakota, N. "Inside the
FOMC." Speech delivered
in Marquette, MI (2010-08-10). Key reference: [10]
Autor, D., Levy, F., Murnane, R. "The skill content
of recent technological change: An empirical
exploration." Quarterly Journal
of Economics 118:4 (2003): 1279–1333. Key reference: [11]
Hershbein, B., Kahn, L. Do Recessions
Accelerate Routine-Biased Technological Change? Evidence from
Vacancy Postings. NBER Working
Paper No.22762, 2016-03. Key reference: [12]
Autor, D., Handel, M. "Putting tasks to
the test: Human capital, job tasks and wages." Journal of Labor
Economics 31:2 (2013): S59–S96. Key reference: [13]
Herz, B., van
Rens, T. Accounting for
Mismatch Unemployment. The Warwick
Economics Research Paper Series
(TWERPS) No.1061, 2015.
Additional References
- Allen, J., van der Velden, R. "Educational mismatches versus skill mismatches: Effects on wages, job satisfaction, and on-the-job search." Oxford Economic Papers 53:3 (2001): 434–452.
- Altonji, J. G., Arcidiacono, P., Maurel, A. "The analysis of field choice in college and graduate school: Determinants and wage effects." In: Hanushek, E. A., Machin, S., Woessmann, L. (eds). Handbook of the Economics of Education. Amsterdam: North Holland, 2016.
- Barnichon, R., Figura, A. "Labor market heterogeneity and the aggregate matching function." American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 7:4 (2015): 222–249.
- Chevalier, A. "To be or not to be a scientist." In: Polachek, S. W., Pouliakas, K., Russo, G., Tatsiramos, K. (eds). Skill Mismatch in Labor Markets (Research in Labor Economics, Volume 45). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing, 2017.
- Deming, D., Kahn, L. B. "Skill requirements across firms and labor markets: Evidence from job postings for professionals." Journal of Labor Economics (Forthcoming).
- Desjardins, R., Rubenson, K. An Analysis of Skill Mismatch Using Direct Measures of Skills. OECD Education Working Papers No.63, 2011.
- Diamond, P. "Unemployment, vacancies, wages." American Economic Review 101:4 (2011): 1045–1072.
- Elsby, M. W. L., Hobijn, B., Şahin, A. "The labour market in the Great Recession." Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 41:1 (2010): 1–69.
- Economist Intelligence Unit Closing the Skills Gap: Companies and Colleges Collaborating for Change. The Economist Insights Report, 2014.
- Economist Intelligence Unit Driving the Skills Agenda: Preparing Students for the Future. The Economist Insights Report, 2015.
- Handel, M. "Skills mismatch in the labor market." Annual Review of Sociology 29 (2003): 135–165.
- Katz, L. F. "Long-term Unemployment in the Great Recession." Testimony for the Joint Economic Committee, US Congress (2010).
- Lazear, E. P., Spletzer, J. R. The United States Labor Market: Status Quo or a New Normal? NBER Working Paper No.18386, 2012.
- Montt, G. The Causes and Consequences of Field-of-Study Mismatch: An Analysis Using PIAAC. OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers No.167, 2015.
- Patterson, C., Şahin, A., Topa, G., Violante, G. "Working hard in the wrong place: A mismatch-based explanation to the UK productivity puzzle." European Economic Review 84:C (2016): 42–56.
- Restrepo, P. Skill Mismatch and Structural Unemployment Working Paper, 2016-01.
- Shimer, R. "Mismatch." American Economic Review 97:4 (2007): 1074–1101.